WoW Plunderstorm, Blizzard’s Take on Battle Royale, Makes Traditional MMO Gameplay Walk The Plank

World of Warcraft’s mysterious next content update is a secret no longer: Patch 10.2.6 is live today and introduces a new, limited-time battle royale game mode called Plunderstorm to Blizzard’s MMO, one that is unlike anything the game has done before.

Though the pirate-themed Plunderstorm is played within WoW, it shares little in common with the game players have come to know and love over the years. There are no auto-attacks or classes. Rather than having dozens of abilities, as WoW players are accustomed to, players in Plunderstorm will have a maximum of six. As such, players will leave their previously created characters at the door and create new ones just for Plunderstorm, which will run for six weeks starting today.

The MMO’s latest expansion, Dragonflight, isn’t required to play the game mode. Instead, anyone with a WoW subscription can play, including those who currently spend their time playing WoW Classic rather than the modern version of the game.

After making a Plunderstorm character, players can queue solo or with a partner and glide down on the wings of a parrot into Arathi Highlands, a zone that will be well-familiar to longtime WoW players but has been repurposed as the mode’s battle royale map. Up to 60 players will be in a single match, all competing to be the last pirate standing. Players will only have one life, though a duo partner can revive a fallen teammate. After death, players can stick around and spectate other players, should they so choose.

Once their boots are on the ground, players will have nothing but a basic attack (which isn’t used automatically when attacking like in normal WoW but is now an active ability) and a recharging health potion. Players will need to defeat both NPC enemies and other players to gain experience, acquire spells, and level up over the course of a match in order to come out on top. Unlike regular WoW, where players tab-target enemies and auto-attack or use abilities to deal damage, Plunderstorm’s spells—which are acquired from slain enemies or found in chests sprinkled throughout Arathi Highlands—are mostly “skill-shots” that require proper timing and positioning. Over time, a storm will force players closer until only one (or one team) remains as the winner. All the while, players will be earning Plunder, a form of XP that will contribute to a new Renown reward track that will unlock cosmetic rewards like mounts and pets for use in both WoW Classic and Dragonflight.

Plunderstorm is accessed via the Dragonflight client, but the expansion isn’t required to play.

Plunderstorm is unlike anything in WoW’s two-decade-long history. GameSpot got the chance to talk with some of the developers at Blizzard involved in the creation of the game mode ahead of its official launch, who shared their insights on some of the inspirations behind it and the team’s goals for the limited-time mode.

Various battle royales were obviously an inspiration for Plunderstorm, lead software engineer Orlando Salvatore said, but so were other genres, like MOBAs, fighters, and RTS games. One notable inspiration, Salvatore said, was Blizzard’s own Warcraft 3.

“When you think back to Warcraft 3, one thing that’s super cool about Warcraft 3 was going around to the different camps and leveling your hero,” Salvatore said. “And level 10 was a major point to get to…What’s super cool is harkening back to that. It [Plunderstorm] is a PvP game but there’s also PvE elements. Leveling up gives you health, leveling up gives you more damage on your abilities, you can find better loot in different places on the map. You can go around and find these camps of monsters and help level up your character each game. It kind of harkens back to that.”

Fans who follow Blizzard may remember that back in 2022, the Irvine, California-based studio acquired Boston-based developer Proletariat, the creators of the well-loved but short-lived battle royale Spellbreak. Salvatore said members of the former Spellbreak team did lend their expertise to the making of Plunderstorm, but that it was a studio-wide effort, with people from all over Blizzard lending their ideas and input.

It’s Plunderstorm’s combat and gameplay that truly sets it apart from what WoW players are accustomed to, opening up all kinds of new possibilities. Players will be able to equip two offensive spells and two defensive spells, in addition to their basic attack, health potion, and various consumables, like a jump pad, that can be found over the course of the match. Unlike in regular WoW, there is no inventory management or gear to equip, something that Salvatore said didn’t feel right in the game mode. Players will swap out spells or pick up consumables found on the map directly, without needing to drag spells to an action bar or find an item in their inventory.

Each player starts the round with a basic attack ability, but it’s not the auto-attack WoW players are used to.

Acquiring multiple copies of lower-ranked spells will upgrade them into more-powerful versions, with each spell sporting four different ranks. Salvatore showed off examples of spells including a fiery, frontal cone attack or a long-range mana orb that needs to be charged for maximum effect. Each spell requires proper positioning and isn’t as simple as right clicking an enemy like WoW players normally do. There are a total of 10 offensive and 10 utility spells for players to find and experiment with.

“It’s exciting to be able to take what WoW is so good at, which is that second-to-second combat, and really break the rules of what’s there,” Salvatore said. “That’s one of the main reasons why you aren’t playing as your main character. This is a unique experience, this is a very different experience, a class-less experience. This is more limited, but hopefully deep enough that players will find enough to talk about metas and talk about what strats they go with when they enter a match.”

In another out-of-the-ordinary move, Plunderstorm was not tested on the game’s public test realm like other WoW content updates usually are, and it additionally will not support player-made add-ons that see heavy use in normal WoW. No PTR testing means Plunderstorm likely won’t be “perfectly balanced,” but that’s okay, Salvatore said. Instead, it’s supposed to be fun.

“The no PTR decision was a big one for us because we didn’t want it to come out and already be min-maxed,” Salvatore said, in reference to players using datamining and PTR playtesting to figure out the best builds or items before an update is officially out. “Our players are so good and so smart at figuring out what the best things are. We want this to be a new experience for everybody when this launches, we want this to be a surprise. We’ve learned a lot from Classic and Season of Discovery and figured out there are things there that people want to be surprised about.”

The map for Plunderstorm, the Battle for Azeroth version of Arathi Highlands, wasn’t Blizzard’s first choice. However, the team early on decided it wanted to use a zone in Azeroth’s old world that would feel familiar to current and returning players. Lead producer Ray Bartos said the team leaned on Arathi’s in-game history as a contested PvP zone when narrowing it down as Plunderstorm’s location.

Matches start with players gliding into Arathi Highlands on the back of a parrot.

“We wanted this experience to have a familiar space in that sense so that players didn’t feel with all the experimentation it wasn’t too jarring in the sense of the playspace,” Bartos said. “The playspace still kind of feels familiar, they still have a strong understanding of it, and then we layered the experimental effort on top.”

Being a limited-time event, players may feel pressured to grind out its cosmetic rewards as quickly as possible, but Salvatore said the goal is not for players to feel forced to play for hours every day for the next six weeks and that rewards can be earned in a “reasonable” amount of time. All in all, Plunderstorm is about bringing different groups of WoW players together, Bartos said, whether they play Dragonflight, WoW Classic, or used to play WoW and want a reason to again.

“Bringing everybody together, that’s Plunderstorm’s goal,” Bartos said. “We have a simplified experience, if you’re someone who’s actively playing WoW a lot right now or maybe if you’ve taken a break for a little while, to come back to something that is simplified, very straightforward. There’s no need to check an in-depth guide or anything like that. You can jump right in and experiment and try the different abilities…This is an opportunity for ‘Hey, everyone with an active WoW subscription, come check this out.'”

There’s plenty more WoW coming in the year ahead. In addition to the continued content rollout for WoW Classic Season of Discovery and two more planned updates for Dragonflight (including an overhaul of its dungeon difficulties), Blizzard will launch both Cataclysm Classic and its new modern WoW expansion, The War Within, this summer. Blizzard’s MMORPG will celebrate its 20th anniversary in November.

Xbox Game Pass Adds Diablo 4, Hot Wheels, And More This Month

The next wave of Game Pass titles has been officially confirmed, and starting today, subscribers can explore their interstellar homestead in Lightyear Frontier on Xbox Series X|S, PC, and cloud-compatible devices. The other big release joining Lightyear Frontier is MLB The Show 24, this year’s entry in the long-running baseball simulator series from San Diego Studios. For the first time in the series history, MLB The Show 24 allows players to create and play as a woman, and also includes new additions to its historical showcase mode.

On March 20, horror fans can experience the choose-your-own-demise of The Quarry, a blood-drenched homage to slasher flicks from the ’80s starring nine teenage counselors who are in for a really bad final night of summer camp. Anyone looking to fight back against monsters can check out Evil West on March 21, a fun vampire-slaying title in which you can punch the supernatural into giblets with your overpowered arsenal. Terra Invicta will be available on PC via the Xbox Preview program through Game Pass, giving fans of tactical games an early look at a grand sci-fi experience from the creators of Long War.

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Now Playing: Diablo 4 Video Review

Easily the biggest release of the month is Diablo 4, as Blizzard’s action-RPG will be available from March 28 on console and PC. In case you missed it when it launched last year, Diablo 4 is a dark return to the grim roots of the franchise, and players can hop right into the new content from Season of the Construct when it arrives. Two more games will be available that same day, as the month closes out with fun racing Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged and narrative adventure Open Roads.

In April, Ark: Survival Ascended arrives on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and cloud-compatible devices. Rebuilt inside of Unreal Engine 5, players will have to survive and thrive in a hostile frontier if they want to stand at the top of the food chain. Lastly, April 2 brings two more games to the party in the form of F1 23, last year’s official Formula One video game, and Superhot: Mind Control Delete, a massive expansion to the beloved first-person shooter with even more action and guns.

Xbox Game Pass March 2024 Wave 2 Additions

Available now

  • Lightyear Frontier (Game Preview) (Cloud, PC, and Xbox Series X|S)
  • MLB The Show 24 (Cloud and Console)

March 20

  • The Quarry (Cloud and Console)

March 21

  • Evil West (Cloud, Console, and PC)

March 26

  • Terra Invicta (Game Preview) (PC)

March 28

  • Diablo 4 (Console and PC)
  • Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged (Cloud, Console, and PC)
  • Open Roads (Cloud, Console, and PC)

April 1

  • Ark: Survival Ascended (Cloud, PC, Xbox Series X|S)

April 2

  • F1 23 (Cloud) EA Play
  • Superhot: Mind Control Delete (Cloud, Console, and PC)

A few games will be leaving Xbox Game Pass this month, but only three titles will be making room for the new arrivals. Several of this month’s Game Pass titles are already available, and in case you missed them, you can download No More Heroes 3, Control, and SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated.

Game Pass Removes These Three Games Very Soon

Along with all the games coming to Game Pass in March, a few more titles are getting booted from the library. Microsoft has announced the second wave of removals from Game Pass this month, and there are three titles saying goodbye to the subscription catalog.

Headed out the door on March 31 are Hot Wheels Unleashed, Infinite Guitars, and MLB The Show 23. For fans of the professional baseball series, there is some good news, as MLB The Show 24–the newest entry in the franchise–comes to Game Pass today, March 19. Additionally, Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 is coming on March 28, so fans of that series can get the newest game, too.

If you want to keep playing any or all of these games, subscribers can buy them outright at a 20% discount, which is a silver lining. Progress and achievements stay with your account, too.

This is the second set of removals from Game Pass in March, following the removal of Shredders, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, and Hardspace: Shipbreaker.

In terms of additions for the second half of March, beyond MLB The Show 24, releases include The Quarry (March 20), Evil West (March 21), and Diablo IV (March 28), among others. Of note, Diablo IV is the first Activision Blizzard game to come to Game Pass following Microsoft’s buyout of Activision Blizzard. Check out GameSpot’s rundown of all the additions to Game Pass for the second half of March here.

Game Pass removals on March 31

  • Hot Wheels Unleashed — cloud, console, PC
  • MLB The Show 23 — cloud, console
  • Infinite Guitars — cloud, console, PC

Steam Sees Numbers Go Up, Breaking User Record Again

One might wonder if Valve’s favorite song is Higher by Creed, because Steam continues to see concurrent users go up this year. VGC reports that the PC storefront saw over 36.3 million players at the same time this past Sunday, per SteamDB.

That’s a new Steam concurrent user record–one that has been broken over and over in 2024. For instance, a new high mark was apparently set last week at roughly 35 million players. In January, Steam kept getting bigger, too, with the record then being notched at 33.6 million people. So when Valve asks, “Can you take me higher?” the answer seems to be an emphatic yes from consumers.

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Now Playing: Firearms Expert Reacts To Counter-Strike 2’s Guns

At the time of publication, Counter-Strike 2 has the most concurrent players at 1.3 million. Earlier this year, Palworld surpassed 2 million concurrent players on Steam, becoming only the second game ever to break that milestone. It’s a feat that Counter-Strike 2 (and Global Offensive) has never reached.

One possible boost in user numbers for the Valve storefront could be the Steam Spring Sale, which started over the weekend. There are thousands of game sales that will be available in the promotion until March 21. GameSpot has also rounded up the best Spring Sale offers for Steam Deck-compatible titles.

Denuvo Developer Says Its New Anti-Piracy Watermark Will Make Leakers “Think Twice”

New anti-piracy software has been announced by Denuvo developer Irdeto, giving developers tools to help track down leaks of their games. Called TraceMark for Games, the software was announced at the Game Developers Conference this week and allows for watermarks to to be used within builds of games. Developers can choose to apply visible or invisible watermarks, giving users a “dual approach” to precisely track leaked content back to its source during the pre-release phase of a game’s development.

“This capability makes potential leakers think twice, knowing that any unauthorized distribution can be directly linked to them,” Irdeto said in a press release, describing the software as a platform-agnostic tool for integration in a game. “The ease of integration into existing development workflows makes this an attractive feature for game developers looking to secure their content without compromising on the player’s experience.”

Irdeto added that TraceMark includes a self-service detection portal, which is designed to “empower developers and content owners with the ability to independently verify” if watermarks are detected in their work. The company says this detection is possible even when subjected to “robustness attacks” such as changes in luminance, blurring, compression, and cropping to spot or get around watermarks.

Irdeto’s Denuvo anti-piracy program has been regularly criticized for negatively impacting the performance of games on PC despite the company’s efforts to prove otherwise. Notable recent examples include Doom Eternal and Resident Evil Village, with the developers behind those games removing Denuvo shortly after launch following fan complaints about performance dives.

Just a week before its release, Payday 3 developer Starbreeze dropped Denuvo from the PC version of the game, although the company didn’t reveal the exact reasons behind the move at the time.

Next James Bond Actor Could Be Aaron Taylor-Johnson

One of the most highly coveted roles in all of Hollywood, that of the super-spy James Bond, might be cast soon. A report from The Sun cites sources saying 33-year-old English actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been offered the role of James Bond for Bond 26, and the expectation is that, if Taylor-Johnson agrees, he could sign the deal as soon as this week.

Taylor-Johnson–whose previous credits include Nocturnal Animals, Bullet Train, Kick-Ass, and Avengers: Age of Ultron–was previously believed to have met with series producer Barbara Broccoli and was assumed to be a frontrunner for the part. Taylor-Johnson is set to appear in the title role in Sony’s upcoming Kraven the Hunter movie later this year.

“Bond is Aaron’s job, should he wish to accept it. The formal offer is on the table and they are waiting to hear back,” a source told The Sun. “As far as [production company] Eon is concerned, Aaron is going to sign his contract in the coming days and they can start preparing for the big announcement.”

Sources told the publication that Taylor-Johnson’s performance in Nocturnal Animals helped contribute to him reportedly being offered the role of James Bond.

Taylor-Johnson lines up with what the producers were looking for, that being a 30-something British man. He wouldn’t be the youngest Bond ever, as George Lazenby was 29 during filming and Sean Connery was 31 for their respective first (and in the case of Lazenby, only) Bond films.

Daniel Craig was the most recent James Bond actor, playing the role five times, beginning with Casino Royale (2006) and ending with No Time To Die (2021). That movie ended with Craig’s James Bond getting killed, setting up a natural transition to a new actor for the next film.

The Sun further reported that production on Bond 26 could begin later this year. None of the information here is confirmed, so it’s worth taking with a grain of salt for now. If Taylor-Johnson is indeed going to be the next James Bond, that’s just one piece of the puzzle for Bond 26. We still don’t know who might direct the film and who the writing team will be comprised of beyond Neal Purvis and Robert Wade.

Fortnite Rise Of Midas Event Adds Free Rewards And Floor Is Lava Mode

One of Fortnite‘s most remembered characters returns in today’s game update. Rise of Midas is a multi-week event that brings with it a ton of free cosmetics, challenges, and a limited-time mode (LTM). Of course, as the name suggests, Midas is back, too.

Fortnite Rise of Midas event

The Rise of Midas event is now live and runs through April 2 at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET. During the event, you can play to complete a series of in-game quests that will dole out battle pass XP and several free cosmetic items. The in-game quests will appear across five categories to be rolled out during the event. The first batch, Midas Rises, is out now, with four subsequent batches of challenges hitting the game on March 20, 25, 27, and 28, respectively.

Rise of Midas quest rewards: Cerberus Medallion spray, Rose of Avarice back bling, and Queen in Gold glider

If you complete any six quests, you’ll unlock the Cerberus Medallion spray. At 12 completed quests, you’ll get the Rose of Avarice back bling. And for doing 18 of these challenges, you’ll claim the Queen in Gold glider, as a nod to Marigold, Midas’ similarly gilded sibling. Should any of these challenges prove tricky, you can bet we’ll have you covered with guides right here on GameSpot.

Meanwhile in the item shop, the new Ascendant Midas skin will debut on March 26 when the shop resets at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET. His new accessories, the Golden King’s Cape back bling, the Golden Ascension wrap, and the Golden Touch pickaxe will also be available starting that day.

Ascendant Midas skin, Golden King’s Cape back bling, and Golden Touch pickaxe

For more competitive players, you can earn the new Ascendent Midas skin for free by participating in the Rise of Midas Cup, a solos tournament. You can find the tourney in-game and its official rules here.

Floor Is Lava returns

I regret to inform you the floor is, once again, lava. The popular LTM returns but with a twist: The Chapter 5 Season 2 weapons will be available in the mode. Oh yeah, and the lava will be gold (of course).

The LTM will feature its own event quests separate from the Rise of Midas event with even more free cosmetics, including the Lightning King and Zeus Medallion sprays, as well as the Gilded Vengeance pickaxe. Don’t delay, as the mode and its free rewards will disappear when the Rise of Midas event ends on April 2.

New weapon and item

That’s not all; you can also find two new equippable items on the map starting today, including one new weapon previously teased in the season launch trailer. The Chains of Hades is a new Mythic item that pulls enemy players toward you with a swift and painful combo attack–think of it like the signature weapons belonging to Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion or Overwatch’s Roadhog. You can find it with some luck in a chest or as floor loot, or take down Hades for a guaranteed drop.

Fortnite’s Chain of Hades

The other new item is the Shield Bubble Jr., a smaller, more personal version of the Shield Bubble that can buy you a moment of respite when enemies are gunning for your crown. This too can be found as ground loot or in chests.

Bug fixes in Fortnite patch 29.01

Epic is good about adding new content with each patch, but these updates also serve to fix what may ail the game. Straight from the developer, here’s a list of “major” bug fixes included in this patch.

  • Fixed an issue allowing players to throw the Thunderbolt of Zeus through structures.
  • Fixed an issue where players may have been able to shoot through player-built structures with the Gatekeeper Shotgun.
  • Fixed an issue where players may have been able to fly with the Wings of Icarus indefinitely.
  • Not a Battle Royale bug, but we also fixed a visual issue where players couldn’t see their
  • earned XP from creator-made islands until returning to the Lobby.

The Rise of Midas event is now live. For more on the latest iteration of Epic’s ever-changing game, don’t miss everything new in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2.

Pedro Pascal Says He Owes His Acting Career To Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Before he was Oberyn Martell on Game of Thrones, Din Djarin on The Mandalorian, or Joel on The Last of Us, Pedro Pascal appeared in one episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Eddie in 1999. As it turns out, that episode helped save Pascal’s professional acting career.

He told Entertainment Tonight that his “entry level” career in acting before his more recent breakout successes spanned a period of around 15 years. During that time, Pascal said he faced issues paying rent and had “less than $7 in my account.” Then a residual check for the popular vampire series appeared in his mailbox and changed everything.

“A residual from Buffy the Vampire Slayer showed up and saved the day and literally is the reason I was able to stay in it and not give up,” he said.

Many are adding on to Pascal’s comments here to discuss the state of residuals in Hollywood today. This was one of the key battlegrounds of the recent Hollywood strikes, and actors ultimately won advances to residual payments in some areas of streaming.

In a previous interview, Pascal said he also owes a lot of his recent success to his starring role on Game of Thrones. He told Vanity Fair that being cast on the show changed his life, and he gave credit to D.B. Weiss and David Benioff for taking a chance on an “unknown” actor. “Without Thrones, I would not have had Narcos, The Mandalorian, or The Last of Us.”

Pascal returns in The Last of Us Season 2 to once again play Joel. Production is now underway and the sophomore season is expected to be released in 2025.

Monopoly Go Devs Spent More On Marketing Than It Cost To Develop The Last Of Us 2

Free-to-play mobile game Monopoly Go has been a surprising success story in the mobile space, coming out as 2023’s most successful mobile launch with $1 billion in revenue. Developer Scopely has revealed in an interview that the game has now brought in over $2 billion in its first 10 months–and that the game has spent an eye-watering $500 million on marketing and user acquisition.

Scopely’s senior VP of publishing Eric Wood revealed the marketing numbers in an interview with Game File, after Monopoly Go’s $2 billion milestone was announced by the CEO earlier this week. To put the $500 million marketing budget in perspective, a poorly redacted document last year leaked a set of budgets for some of PlayStation’s biggest AAA titles, which revealed that The Last of Us Part 2 cost $220 million to develop, and Horizon Forbidden West cost $212 million to develop.

Scopely co-CEO Javier Ferreira delved a little deeper into where that marketing spend went in his blog post, revealing that Monopoly Go’s marketing tem created localized marketing for every region where the game was available. “Our marketing team was a fierce advocate for taking a hyperlocal approach,” Ferreira said. “In turn, much of our upfront marketing investment went to developing individualized creative that reflected the language and culture of every country where the game is available.”

Ferreira also revealed that the game’s approach to marketing helped it recoup its spending in days or weeks, something that usually takes months or years for comparable titles. “We didn’t set out to create a blitz campaign, but as the game rapidly grew, so did our marketing efforts,” he explains. “For much of the title’s first six months, we were fully recouping our spend in a matter of weeks, something not often seen in games today.”

The game’s marketing budget gives an idea of the massive scale some mobile games operate on, with its revenue figures also far beyond what even big blockbuster AAAs make in their lifetime.

Steam Families Is A New And Improved Version Of Steam Family Sharing

Valve has announced Steam Families, a new Steam feature that wraps up the pre-existing Steam Family Sharing and Steam Family View, as well as some brand-new family features. The new feature allows Steam users to create a family of up to 6 household members in order to share games and implement content controls.

Users can create a family and invite up to 5 other members, who can be assigned as either an adult or a child. All users in the family will have their games shared in a family library, which works similarly to Steam’s old Family Sharing feature.

Anyone in the family will be able to play any game in the library provided someone else isn’t playing it already. If two people want to play the same game at the same time, then two members of the family have to own a copy of the game. When playing shared games, each member will have their own save games, unlock Steam achievements for their own account, and have access to workshop files.

If someone in your family is banned from a game while playing your version of the game, your account will be banned too–so be careful who you’re sharing with.

Steam Families also includes an option for parental controls, where adult family members can manage access to games, Steam community features, and monitor screentime for child accounts. Children also have the option to request more playtime or games that are otherwise restricted, and can also request adult accounts to purchase new games for them by sending a cart directly to the adult’s account.

The new feature is currently in beta, and getting access now requires all potential members of a family to opt into the beta version.