Ryan Gosling Thinks The Angry Birds Movie Stopped A Nice Guys Sequel From Happening

Although Ryan Gosling didn’t come home with Oscar gold this year, the actor is on the promotional trail for The Fall Guy, opening in theaters this weekend. While there’s still no greenlight for a Barbie sequel–or if one will ever even happen–one sequel fans have been clamoring for has been for The Nice Guys, the 2016 black comedy starring him and Russell Crowe as private eyes in the late 1970s.

While speaking to ComicBook about The Fall Guy, Gosling argued that a sequel to The Nice Guys might not happen, especially after The Angry Birds Movie dominated the box office weekend.

“So much of a sequel, I think, is decided by the opening weekend of a movie, and we opened up against Angry Birds,” Gosling explained. “So Angry Birds just…just destroyed us. Angry Birds got a sequel.” The Nice Guys eventually earned just $62 million off of a $50 million budget. The Angry Birds Movie by comparison would go on to earn over $350 million.

Since the initial release, director Shane Black revealed that had plans to spin off the general concept into a television show, but that it didn’t translate well in that format.

“We tried it as a TV show,” Black shared with Slash Film back in 2022. “We caught the characters, but the plot was totally different. It was set in present day, and no one wanted to buy it. We had to look elsewhere. [It] wouldn’t have been any good [as a TV series]. Tonally, TV tends to homogenize…so if you’ve got something that’s a little odd or twisted, chances are the [network executives are] going to take it and just start…[sanding] off the edges.”

Hades 2 Is Already An Exciting Sequel With Confident Changes

Supergiant Games has never made a sequel. Instead, it’s a studio that has consistently iterated and innovated with each subsequent game, arguably culminating in the team’s greatest work to date: Hades. The engrossing roguelite dazzled with tight and engaging combat, an iconic visual presentation, and novel take on a persistent narrative that interweaves the progression of its story with its repeating gameplay loop. If Supergiant Games were ever going to commit to a sequel, Hades definitely provided the most fertile ground for further development, ensuring that its follow-up has a strong foundation established in a proven hit. Hades II’s technical test is a small slice of the game and a very quick look at how Supergiant plans to build on the success of the first game, but it’s already clear that it is anything but a safe improvement on what has come before.

Hades II stars Melinoe, sister of Hades protagonist Zagreus and the daughter of the titular god. Unlike the first game, in which Zagreus attempted to escape the underworld in search of his human mother, Melinoe is entangled in a war with the titan, Chronos, who is wreaking havoc on both Mount Olympus and the Underworld. With her family missing and her father’s throne usurped, Melinoe has taken refuge at the Crossroads, which has become a safe haven for simple shades displaced by Chronos’ rampage, as well as the few fighters left trying to mount a resistance.

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Now Playing: Hades II – Reveal Trailer

Melinoe controls just like her agile brother, moving around each area with speed and grace, accentuated by a snappy dash that now has a new sprint ability associated with it if you hold the input down, giving you a subtle but important addition to your movement repertoire. You’ll notice a change when glancing over to your health bar, with Melinoe utilizing a new magic resource that becomes a key consideration in the throes combat. Magic is used for new Omega abilities, offensive variations of attacks that are all channeled by holding down one of the three attack buttons you have on offer. Each weapon features standard and special attacks, with the weapon type determining where they are either short or long-range.Melinoe introduces a third spell attack that she has regardless of which weapon you choose. It lets you ensnare enemies in place, while also being open to modification by boons awarded by gods from Olympus. This additional attack alone adds an interesting layer to the frenetic action, offering a persistent attack type that is primarily focused on crowd control that allows even early skirmishes to get delightfully chaotic without becoming overwhelming. Coupled with the variety and complexity that Omega attacks introduce, this gives Hades II a tangible sense of differentiation that both returning and new players will relish to pick apart one run at a time.

With this added variety to combat, the abilities that each of the gods of Olympus lend to you are expanded too. You’ll still get familiar augments such as imbuing your attacks with lightning from Zeus or accentuating them with knockback effects from Poseidon, but there are a bunch of fresh ones too. New gods have also been introduced, such as Apollo, god of light, Hestia, goddess of fire, and Hephaestus, god of the forge. Numerous characters from Hades have yet to be introduced or could potentially be omitted entirely, but some have been recontextualized to fit the new story, such as Artemis now occupying a role similar to that of Thanatos, challenging you to kill the most enemies in a room in exchange for a reward. The new elemental abilities are entertaining to experiment with, especially Hephaestus’ explosive additions to standard and special attacks or Hestia’s burning attribute on boons that deals satisfying damage over time to groups of foes. Balancing these new boons with the alterations to existing ones is a task Supergiant Games will likely be laser-focused on during the early access period, but it’s already satisfying to find effective synergies between boons you’re randomly handed throughout a run.

Now that you have another input for attack, as well as three new ones in the form of Omega abilities, these gifts from the gods can also become far more nuanced. One example of this comes from Demeter, who changes the Omega version of your binding spell so that it follows you while its channels, rather than sticking to the spot where you first cast it. This changes the dynamic of how it’s used from anticipating and trapping enemies for areas of effect damage to a targeted attack that you can precisely aim by moving directly towards a group of enemies. Other changes are subtler; your sprint can have an attack added to it, or your existing short and long-range strikes can be empowered, all at the expense of additional magic being used when these effects are triggered. An overreliance on these can detract from your ability to use Omega attacks as frequently, or rely on your magic meter being topped up to be effective in combat at all. This feeds into the persistent need to balance your run’s build around more variable elements than the original game ever demanded.

Hades II’s technical test is a small slice of the game and a very quick look at how Supergiant plans to build on the success of the first game, but it’s already clear that it is anything but a safe improvement on what has come before

This might have the potential to become too complex to make starting a new run an easy and welcoming decision, but so far in this technical test, everything feels well-balanced. Magic is completely replenished between rooms, meaning you can think about how to maximize your Omega abilities for each individual skirmish without worrying about having enough for the boss waiting at the end of an area. This alone changes some of the thinking around what abilities to take with you room-to-room, forcing you to decide between moves that fully exhaust your bar for quick maximum damage or balancing that with others that can help you replenish this resource for more consistent use of these moves during more drawn-out combat encounters. Larger special abilities, bestowed on you by Selene, goddess of the moon, are also tied directly to how much magic you’ve burnt in a room, only activating once you’ve accrued enough and resetting until you burn as much again. Without abilities that replenish magic, it’s sometimes impossible to even use these moves, but aligning yourself in that direction forces you to forgo other abilities that can influence every one of your attacks. The fact that Hades II is already presenting complex decisions like this and engaging builds this early in its development, with so much more content promised to come, is extremely encouraging for the final package. It’s clear that Supergiant Games understood every element of what made Hades tick and has carefully considered where it can get more mileage.

The Crossroads represents a significant portion of Hades II that feels the most familiar to its predecessor. This is your home between runs where you converse with other characters (Dora’s persistence to practice her haunting voice each time you die is a particular delight) and engage with a variety of upgrades that empower you when you next venture out on your mission. Some new mechanics act as analogues for systems from previous games, such as conjuring upgrades to the Crossroads via a giant, bubbling cauldron or unlocking new weapons using particular resources you find during each run. Character upgrades are slightly different this time, however, with a new Arcana system providing a bit more flexibility on how to set yourself up. You purchase arcana cards, which in turn unlock adjacent cards, with each one offering a specific upgrade. Some can increase your health pool, while others can bestow an extra life for you to use if a run comes to a premature end, for example. Each card has an associated cost, with Melinoe only able to equip a certain total (this number being upgradable over time, too). It’s an interesting change to the system that leans more towards thinking about specific builds to pair with your chosen weapon, and I’m curious to see how it’s further expanded as more content gets added.

Another tweak is the inclusion of tools alongside Melinoe’s weapons, each of which allows you to gather more of a certain resource during runs. The pickaxe allows you to extract more silver from ore veins you might come across, while a spade will let you dig into dirt mounds and claim any treasures below the surface. You can only take one tool out with you at a time, encouraging you to ponder what new item or upgrade you’re pursuing to maximize each one of your runs. With a variety of upgrade systems and ingredient lists to think about, Hades II allows you to pin what ingredients are required for upgrades you want to focus on and helps you identify tools you’ll need to gather these, preventing a wasted run after picking the wrong tool.


Given how limited Hades II’s technical test is content-wise, it’s remarkable how much of its tweaked framework is exposed in just its opening moments. The iterative approach to combat, changing the way you tackle enemies as Melinoe ever so slightly while introducing new elements entirely, is a smart way to keep the action feeling familiar but fresh at the same time. Similarly, the small changes to character progression and base management at the Crossroads is smartly constructed to keep you focused on the resources and items you need during your next run, so you can make meaningful progress each time you return home.

There are lots of questions as to how the established base of Hades will enrich the new areas that Supergiant Games plans to add in the near future, and how well the freshly introduced mechanics hold up over much longer, and hopefully complex, runs. But if this is the foundation that Hades II is to build off over, it’s exciting to think where it’s eventually going to end up.tHade

CoD: Warzone And MW3 Patch Notes Detail Map Fixes And Guns Removed From MP Ranked Play

A small update has arrived to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone on April 23. The patch notes include fixes for several map exploits in Modern Warfare 3, and the expanded weapon trial has concluded for multiplayer’s Ranked Play mode.

For Modern Warfare 3, the update adds collision to prevent players from reaching exploitable areas across Season 3’s new multiplayer maps: 6 Star, Growhouse, and Tanked. The patch notes also mention a correction for an issue in the One in the Chamber party mode, which previously caused the last player standing to incur a loss for the match.

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Now Playing: Modern Warfare III & Warzone – Official Cheech & Chong Bundle Gameplay Trailer

The limited-time trial has ended for the expanded weapon pool test in multiplayer’s Ranked Play mode. The developer says teams will be discussing the findings of the weapon trial, and more information will be shared about the test after the launch of Season 3 Reloaded. The conclusion of the trial means the following weapons are once again restricted in Ranked Play:

Assault rifles:

  • BP50
  • Holger 556
  • MTZ-556

Submachine guns:

  • WSP Swarm
  • HRM-9
  • RAM-9

The update is very light on the Warzone side. The patch notes details three bug fixes for battle royale, including a fix for collision issues on Rebirth Island that allowed players to exploit the map, correction for an issue that previously prevented the gas mask animation and proper functionality, and an issue has been resolved that prevented players in a passenger seat of a vehicle from using UAVs.

The full patch notes for Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 can be found below, as shared by Activision.

In other recent Call of Duty news, players can now choose to be a dinosaur soldier in Modern Warfare 3, Warzone, and Warzone Mobile. Season 3 Reloaded should arrive next month, and here are all the major announcements for the midseason update.



  • Resolved an exploit involving Rear Grips on Handguns allowing players to gain an unfair advantage.



  • Challenges that require quickscope kills are now more lenient in detection when using Weapons that cannot one-shot kill.


  • 6 Star
    • Added collision near the Garden to prevent players from reaching exploitable areas.
  • Growhouse
    • Added collision near the Container to prevent players from reaching exploitable areas.
  • Tanked
    • Added collision near the Entrance to prevent players from reaching exploitable areas.


  • One in the Chamber
    • Corrected win conditions to prevent the last-standing player from incurring a loss.



  • Concluded: Weapon Evaluation
    • Thank you for your feedback and gameplay data! The Call of Duty League, Sledgehammer Games, and our teams will discuss findings and share an update after the launch of Season 3 Reloaded.
  • Content Restrictions Update
    • Weapons
      • ARs
        • BP50
        • Holger 556
        • MTZ-556
      • SMGs
        • WSP Swarm
        • HRM-9
        • RAM-9



  • Fixed additional collision issues on Rebirth Island that allowed players to exploit geography.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the gas mask animation from playing, leading it to function improperly.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players in a passenger seat from using UAVs.

Battlestar Galactic Isn’t Available To Stream, So This Blu-Ray Box Set Deal Is Awesome

We’re living in an impressive era for sci-fi, and you can thank shows like Battlestar Galactica for raising the bar of episodic storytelling when it debuted in 2004. If you’re looking to revisit this modern classic–which is a reboot of the 1978 TV series–Amazon has discounted the Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series Blu-ray Box Set from $100 to $62. It’s worth mentioning that Battlestar isn’t available with any streaming subscription services in the US. Instead, episodes cost roughly three bucks each on Prime Video, while each season can set you back $35. Needless to say, $62 is actually quite the bargain for all four seasons.

Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series

This is a 21-disc box set, and inside you’ll find all four seasons of the show, the special episode Razor, and the finale film The Plan. Each season and special also comes with a ton of extras, like documentaries, behind-the-scenes featurettes, webisodes, deleted scenes, and much more. This version also has a high-definition presentation and Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound support, so you’re getting a cinematic experience if you have the right setup for it.

This reimagining of Battlestar Galactica kept the basic plot of the original series and detailed how the remnants of humanity were in a desperate fight for survival against the synthetic Cylon race. After the Cylons succeeded in wiping out billions of humans who had colonized a cluster of planets, the survivors flee to the Battlestar Galactica and begin a long trek in search of a fabled thirteenth colony known as Earth. Despite its low-budget beginnings, Battlestar Galactica quickly earned rave reviews for its high-quality production, ensemble cast, and its examination of what it means to be human amidst several other high-level concepts.

For more Battlestar, you can grab the complete original series on DVD for $22, down from $45. Meanwhile, the original movie released on 4K Blu-ray last year and is available for $17 at Amazon.

If you’re looking for more sci-fi, you can also check out this deal on Babylon 5. It’s a groundbreaking series in its own right, and the Blu-ray box set has been discounted to almost half its list price at Amazon, dropping the cost to $71.

New Destiny 2 Final Shape Trailer Delves Deeper Into The Strange World Inside The Traveler

A new trailer for Destiny 2‘s next expansion, The Final Shape, gives the clearest sense we’ve yet seen of what players can expect when they venture inside the Pale Heart of the Traveler. It’s a weird, somewhat distorted reflection of the world Guardians have explored for the last 10 years, made all the more unsettling by the creeping, corrupting influence of the Witness spreading through it.

The new trailer sets a haunting tone for The Final Shape, which stands as the culmination of 10 years of storytelling in the Destiny universe. It’s narrated by Cayde-6, the upbeat, jokey Vanguard leader who died in the Forsaken expansion and who is resurrected within the Traveler by unknown means. Nathan Fillion reprises the role after seasoned voice actor Nolan North briefly stepped in during the Forsaken expansion, but he’s not cracking wise through this trailer–he’s giving a solemn and spooky accounting of what Cayde has seen and felt since he woke up, alive again, inside Destiny 2’s powerful machine god.

Check out the trailer below.

There are a few other strange and interesting tidbits to be seen within the trailer. For one thing, the perspective of the camera constantly shifts and reorients as the landscape itself is cut apart and put back together. As Cayde talks about how the very ground beneath his feet and the sky above his head are memories, implying that this place is more illusory than it first appears, the ground flips upside down and we see Guardians traversing in the distance, standing with heads pointed toward the land above, their feet hovering above sky below.

Another notable tidbit: Savathun, Caiatl, and Mithrax appear in this trailer, cut together in such a way that it appears they are standing together against a threat. Caiatl and Mithrax, of course, are alien former enemies of the human Guardians who have since joined with the Vanguard to create a coalition against the Witness. Savathun’s appearance in that moment, however, is new.

While Savathun has been, uh, “helpful” in the battle against the Witness, she’s always also been an enemy–a character the good guys bargain with but keep at arm’s length, when they’re not actively trying to kill her. In the Season of the Witch, Savathun was resurrected and gave the Vanguard information about how to follow the Witness into the Traveler, but she hasn’t really been around since then. It appears, however, that a real alliance between the Vanguard and the Lucent Hive is in the offing, at least as long as the Witness remains a threat.

The trailer was released Monday night after it briefly appeared on Sony’s PlayStation YouTube channel, seemingly launched by mistake. After the Sony version was made private in the afternoon hours, Bungie re-released the trailer across all channels. If this trailer dropped a little earlier than intended, one wonders what else might be in store for players in the run-up to the expansion, especially with the current content event, Into the Light, slowly unspooling over the next few weeks.

House Of The Dragon Now Has Its Own Monopoly Board Game

Winter is over, and now you can chill outside on a warm night with a few rounds of Monopoly: House of the Dragon. Hasbro has a version of Monopoly available for seemingly every fandom, and for Game of Thrones fans, this newly launched $35 edition focuses on the prequel to the hit TV series.

Monopoly: House of the Dragon edition


Like the show–which is a Game of Thrones spin-off set nearly 200 years in the past–House of the Dragon will see you battle your friends for control of the Iron Throne. It combines art, storylines, and characters from the series into a good-looking board game, and perhaps the nicest touch are the game tokens each player will use. Instead of a top hat or a race car, these are golden zinc pieces that represent one of the six major houses of the show; House Targaryen, House Hightower, House Velaryon, House Lannister, House Strong, and House Royce.

On the game board, you’ll find key locations throughout your journey across Westeros and Essos. As usual, the main goal is taking control of as many strongholds as you can. Plastic dragon eggs and dragons replace houses and hotels, and the board game comes with 102 themed cardboard coins. Once you accumulate enough strength–dragons certainly help–rival houses will hopefully bend the knee. Or perhaps Westeros will be invaded by the hungry beings (kids) from beyond the wall (their room) and no house will win (because you need to stop playing).

If you’d prefer to bankrupt your friends–metaphorically–with a different fantasy-themed game of Monopoly, there are lots of alternatives to choose from currently. It’s getting harder to find Monopoly: Game of Thrones at a decent price these days, but Amazon has the collector’s edition available for $50. You can also pick up The Witcher, Lord of the Rings, and Dungeons & Dragons Monopoly games right now.

For younger members of the family, everyone’s favorite genetic experiment from the Disney vaults, Stitch, has received his very own edition of Monopoly.

Monopoly board games

Game of Thrones Spin-Off 10,000 Ships Would Have Told A Biblical Story

Brian Helgeland (Man on Fire, A Knight’s Tale) was writing the Game of Thrones spin-off 10,000 Ships, a series that author George R.R. Martin signed off on, but the show was never made. Helgeland has now shared more insight into the project and what it was aiming to be.

Speaking to Inverse, Helgeland said his script “came out great,” but the powers that be believed the idea for the show was “too far removed from the pillars of the original,” he said. While HBO never moved ahead with 10,000 ships, that doesn’t mean it’s dead and buried for good.

“Nothing is ever dead,” Helgeland said.

The story would have focused on Queen Nymeria, and the narrative would have been similar to the Biblical story of Moses, Helgeland said. The series would have taken place 1,000 years before the events of Game of Thrones.

“Her country gets ruined and her people are forced to live on the water, which is why the show was called 10,000 Ships,” he explained. “They end up having to leave and find a new home like the Israelites leaving Egypt. She’s leading all these people, trying to hold everyone together but things are always in danger of falling apart as they travel around a fictionalized version of the Mediterranean, looking for a new home to settle in.”

As Helgeland envisioned it, the show would have featured characters living a nomadic life on a “raft city,” or a “big floating city.” Sometimes, characters would go ashore, but they would eventually get driven off the land and back to the ocean to find “their version of the promised land.”

“I met with George R.R. Martin to pitch him the idea, which he signed off on. Sadly, I didn’t work with him closer, but I would have done if the show was picked up,” he said. “It was kind of like Ray Harryhausen’s Sinbad films mixed with The Odyssey. In a way, Nymeria is Odysseus, but instead of a 12-person crew, she’s responsible for every citizen in this floating city-state. My work is still there if HBO wants to pick it up. I enjoyed my time developing it, and you just never know.”

10,000 Ships sounds somewhat similar to another Game of Thrones spin-off idea, 9 Voyages, which takes place at sea and focuses on the Sea Snake character. This show is moving ahead, although it has shifted from being a live-action show to an animated series due to cost issues.

Martin said a live-action version of 9 Voyages could have been “prohibitively expensive” to make. That’s because a good portion of the show takes place at sea and the rest would be set at a different port each week, Martin said.

While 10,000 Ships and 9 Voyages might never get made, HBO is moving ahead with House of the Dragon Season 2, which comes out this June. Another spin-off, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, is coming in late 2025.

Gloomhaven Dev’s New Game Announced And Postponed On The Same Day

The studio behind 2019’s Gloomhaven, Flaming Fowl, announced its new game today. It’s a deckbuilding strategy game called Ironmarked but while it has a Steam demo out, the studio has already delayed the full release indefinitely.

In a statement to VGC, CEO Craig Oman said that Flaming Fowl had been working on Ironmarked for over a year before its publisher unexpectedly dropped it last summer. The studio has been self-funding Ironmarked since August, and now had to stop production and lay off more than half of its developers.

Unfortunately, Oman explained that he’s been pitching the game to various publishers since then, but hasn’t been able to secure any deal. He points out that the most likely reason is that Ironmarked is a mid-tier title, as he was asking for around $6 million USD. However, publishers were only looking to sign games that cost a couple hundred grand or around the high end at $20 to $40 million.

“As soon as we finished Gloomhaven, we signed Ironmarked,” he explained. “We had multiple offers. But then a year and half later, we’ve gone back to a lot of the same publishers and they say they’re no longer looking for projects like this.”

Oman encouraged those who enjoyed the demo to wishlist Ironmarked on Steam so that Flaming Fowl can take the numbers and present it to publishers in the future.

Some studios have been forced to either lay off employees or shut down entirely due to financial issues. Despite being one of Steam’s most-wishlisted games, the studio behind The Day Before recently shut down as the game failed financially and had poor reviews.

How An Uber Ride Led To Fortnite Getting A Battle Royale Mode

Before developer Epic decided to switch gears and build a battle royale mode for Fortnite, there was an Uber ride to Disney in 2017. That drive led to the decision to alter the game’s course and arguably the video game industry as a whole.

Donald Mustard, former chief creative officer at Epic, revealed to Game File (via Kotaku) when the company ultimately agreed to a battle royale mode in Fortnite. “It was Tim Sweeney [founder and CEO of Epic] and Paul Meegan, who was the president of Epic at the time, [and] Kim Libreri, Epic’s CTO,” Mustard recalled. “The four of us were in the back of an Uber in California, headed to a meeting at Disney… We were already toying with this [idea that] we need to do a battle royale. We should do this. And what if we did it in Fortnite?”

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Now Playing: Fortnite x Avatar: Elements – Gameplay Trailer

Obviously, the group came to the conclusion to bring battle royale to Fortnite, which previously was a survival-based PvE shooter. Now, instead, there would be a focus on a 100-player PvP mode, which was popularized at the time by PUBG. (In fact, PUBG even had a lawsuit against Epic and Fortnite before dropping it in 2018.)

During the drive, Mustard added that he actually started writing up a one-page design document that laid the groundwork for Fortnite’s battle royale mode. That’s not all, either. “A school bus is going by us in traffic, and I’m like: Players are going to be on a bus in the sky, and we’re going to jump out of it,” Mustard said. So the iconic Battle Bus was born out of the Uber ride, too.

This isn’t the only major revelation Mustard has unveiled to Game File. The developer also disclosed how Metroid’s Samus Aran almost arrived in Fortnite, but Nintendo wasn’t okay with the bounty hunter appearing on platforms outside of Switch.

Fortnite is known for its collaborations, with Billie Eilish coming to Fortnite Festival today. This week will also see Fortnite allowing players to block its most toxic emotes, such as Take the L. Meanwhile, in Lego Fortnite, a pig can now be your buddy as part of the Farm Friends update.

Earlier this year, Disney invested $1.5 billion into Epic that includes a “persistent universe” in Fortnite.

Win This X-Men Xbox With The World’s Most Complicated Design On It

To celebrate the recent debut of the X-Men TV series, X-Men ’97, Microsoft and Marvel have teamed up for a special-edition X-Men Xbox Series X.

The console, which is not for sale but can be won via a giveaway, comes wrapped with a comic inspired by the series. Marvel writer Rich Douek and artist Paco Diaz created the two-page story. This comic features Cyclops taking the X-Men into battle against Sentinels and Master Mold.

Behold, the X-Men Xbox


This is the first time an Xbox Series X has been wrapped by a comic book, Microsoft said. The bundle also comes with a set of controllers themed around the colors of X-Men characters, including Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Morph, Magneto, Jubilee, Gambit, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Beast, and Bishop.

To enter for a chance to win this Xbox and controller, players need to follow the Xbox X account (formerly Twitter) and re-share this post. The contest closes on May 20.

X-Men ’97, which is a continuation of an earlier series from the ’90s, is streaming now on Disney+. GameSpot’s X-Men ’97 review scored the show a 7/10.

“X-Men ’97 is what you expect it to be. It’s a fun continuation of a series that was beloved. X-Men ’97 has the exact same problems as the original,” reviewer Mat Elfring said. “It’s chaotic, storylines are wrapped up too quickly, and characters tend to disappear with no explanation. However, the first three episodes of the series prove to be a great start for a show that many people wanted to see return, and it’s a great kickoff, with two of those episodes being the best in the entirety of the series. For those who haven’t read many X-Men comics but love the X-Men, this is exactly what they need.”