Wild Bastards Is More Than Just A Void Bastards Western

Blue Manchu’s Wild Bastards is a neon-soaked mishmash of the strategy, FPS, and roguelike genres, albeit one with cowboy hats and six shooters. Much like its predecessor, Void Bastards, it layers dozens of systems and mechanics on top of each other to create a deep and varied experience that sees you exploring a galaxy, managing a crew of outlaws, and gunning down countless enemies. Based on what I played, it seems like Blue Manchu has once again figured out how to cleverly merge all these systems and mechanics into a cohesive whole.

During a preview, I got 30 minutes of hands-on time with Wild Bastards, and from what I’ve played, it’s structurally very similar to Void Bastards. You plot a path across a board game-like map filled with combat encounters, points of interest, and loot. Each run is different and a lot of those differences are determined by the planet and its traits. Some planets have low gravity, for example, while others could have hazardous weather. Throw in different enemy types and locales, and there’s plenty of variety from run to run.

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Wild Bastards Is More Than Just A Void Bastards Western

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However, Wild Bastards isn’t just a rootin’-tootin’ duster wearin’ reskin of Void Bastards. Developer Blue Manchu made some fundamental changes to accommodate the western, sci-fi setting. It ditches Void Bastards’ stealth gameplay and tight corridors in favor of fast-paced action and arena-style maps. Perhaps the biggest shake up is the introduction of “outlaws.” While Void Bastards adopted a roguelite progression system similar to Rogue Legacy where each run introduces a new character with different traits, Wild Bastards gives you a crew of up to 13 outlaws each with different weapons, playstyles, strengths, weaknesses, and skill trees. Once you’ve selected a planet, you put together a crew and loot-and-shoot your way across the map.

Even though Wild Bastards is a single-player experience, the outlaws give the game a hero shooter-like feel. Each character plays radically differently. Preach–a somber looking preacher adorned in black–carries an enormous minigun that shreds through rank and file, but takes some time to reload. Meanwhile, a mind flayer looking creature named Billy is packing two six shooters that function like, well, two six shooters. Outlaw’s aren’t limited to firearms, though. One outlaw–appropriately named Kaboom–let me hurl dynamite, while another was equipped with a laser lasso that could trap and damage enemies over time.

What makes Wild Bastards combat stand out is how you can mix and match different outlaws and swap between them on the fly as if you’re switching weapons. I found myself gravitating toward Preach and Kaboom. I could cut down my weaker foes with Preach’s rip roarin’ minigun, then switch to my dynamite outlaw to clean up the tougher enemies.

Even though swapping between outlaws is as easy as switching weapons, each outlaw has their own health bar. If an outlaw’s health drops to zero they are out of action for the rest of the expedition. Success in Wild Bastards is keeping your crew alive long enough to chart a path across the entire planet and looting as much as your wild bunch can carry. Like Void Bastards, there’s a constant push and pull of its risk-reward style gameplay and progression. Do you forge ahead while your outlaws are weak and injured or do you retreat to your ship and lick your wounds?

One of Wild Bastard’s more interesting mechanics is how your outlaws’ relationship to one another changes over time. It turns out, outlaws with big personalities don’t always get along, and in between missions you’ll need to manage those relationships. If two outlaws don’t like each other, then you can’t bring both of them on the same mission. If they really like each other, they might support each other at crucial moments in battle. During my preview, one of my outlaws gave the other a health boost at a critical moment saving my posse from an early grave. These relationships are forged and broken during the narrative and on the battlefield. If two outlaws are paired together during a mission, a feud might develop. Damaged relationships can be mended and strengthened with a tasty can of beans, but beans can only be acquired on planets.

It was hard to see how far-reaching this system was based on my short demo, but it seems like it could be an interesting wrinkle for a game that subtly draws from the hero shooter well. Two outlaws might synergize well, but if they don’t get along, you might be forced to work outside of your comfort zone until you can repair their relationship.

Like Blue Manchu’s previous work, Wild Bastards seems to be an interesting genre bending and blending mashup that pulls together some of the most popular genres in a smart and succinct way. It’s hard to say if this hero shooter approach fits Wild Bastards as well as the stealth and immersive sim mechanics of Void Bastards, but I’m eager to play more of it, nonetheless. Wild Bastards is scheduled to arrive on PC and consoles later this year.

The Popular 8BitDo Pro 2 Switch Controller Hits Lowest Price Ever

If you’re searching for a frugal alternative to the expensive Switch Pro Controller, you’ll want to take a look at the 8BitDo Pro 2. The controller is an easy recommendation at full price, but right now Amazon is discounting the popular gamepad to $40 (down from $50). That’s the lowest-ever price for the pro-style controller, and since the deal applies to both the G Classic and Gray editions, it’s easy to find a model that catches your eye.

While the 8BitDo Pro 2 is no stranger to discounts, it’s never been this cheap before. Most deals only lower its price by a few bucks–but now that it’s listed for $40, there’s little reason to avoid it if you need a new gamepad.

Another great 8BitDo product, the Retro Mechanical Keyboard (Fami Edition), is also on sale right now for $80 (down from $100). The quirky keyboard supports both Bluetooth and 2.4Hz connections and comes with the unique Dual Super Buttons for setting macros. You’ll also find the 8BitDo Arcade Stick for Xbox Series X listed for $75 (down from $120). We’re not sure how long any of these limited-time deals will remain in stock, so be sure to cash in on the savings while you can.

Company Of Heroes Developer Relic Entertainment Is An Independent Studio Again

Relic Entertainment is officially an indie studio, as the developer behind Company of Heroes 3 has parted ways with Sega. The studio says that it will become an independently run studio in partnership with an external investor and it plans to continue supporting the games it developed at Sega.

Founded in 1997, Relic was acquired by THQ for $10 million in 2004. Following the collapse of THQ, Relic was auctioned off and was almost purchased by Bethesda’s parent company, ZeniMax. Sega acquired the studio with a winning bid of $26.6 million in 2013, and Relic continued work on sequels to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, Age of Empires, and Company of Heroes. Relic joins a handful of studios that managed to regain their independence throughout the industry, like Toys for Bob and IO Interactive.

Meanwhile, Sega has joined the list of video game publishers who have instituted mass layoffs across the industry. It has cut 240 roles across Sega Europe, Creative Assembly, and Sega Hardlight, while Sega UK studios like Two Point Studios and Sports Interactive appear to be unaffected for now. Following the cancellation of the multiplayer extraction-shooter Hyenas last year, Creative Assembly was hit with layoffs, and now even more employees are being let go this year.

Last year saw several cuts at Sega as well, as the company laid off 121 staff from Relic and 61 employees were let go from Sega of America. Members of the Sega of America union AEGIS-CWA have recently ratified their first contract with Sega. several months after they were formerly recognized as a legal union.

“Sega is working closely with Relic on this shift, and we wish them the best for the future,” Jurgen Post, the new head of Sega Europe, explained in an internal email (via GamesIndustry.Biz). “I want to sincerely apologize for the worry and understandable distress this news will cause, particularly for those directly affected. These decisions have been incredibly tough to make, and they follow meticulous consideration and deliberation with leadership teams across the business. Change is necessary to secure the future of our games business, and to ensure that we are well placed to deliver the best possible experiences to our players going forward.”

Post added that Sega will be streamlining its operations and that the cuts were necessary “to secure the future of our games business” as the company focuses on developing new games based on well-known IPs. Sega has committed to providing support for affected employees with severance pay, career support, and access to independent and internal guidance where possible. Post also apologized to staff who heard the news via social media or the trade press, as Sega was obligated to notify the Tokyo Stock Exchange first.

CoD: Modern Warfare 3 Free Trial Coming Soon, Letting You Check Out Season 3 Content

Activision hopes to capture your attention by letting you play Capture the Flag for free with an upcoming multiplayer trial for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The offering–which will run from April 4-8–will also include access to the Zombies and Hordepoint modes. The latter is a twist on Hardpoint, as the undead spawn on reskinned sci-fi maps like Tetanus.

The Modern Warfare 3 free trial starts right after Season 3 launches April 3 for the game. That means you can check out some of the new additions to the FPS, such as Capture the Flag. Three other game modes will arrive throughout the season: One in the Chamber, Minefield, and Escort. A 6-vs.-6 map called Emergency will also be introduced next week and playable for the free trial. The five other battlegrounds on offer will include fan-favorite Rust.

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Now Playing: Modern Warfare III – Official Season 3 Multiplayer Launch Trailer

There is more than just a free trial scheduled for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone next month. Activision actually has a 4/20 event planned, highlighted by Cheech and Chong operators coming to the game. Warzone will see a High Trip mode, where you collect gummies, and a Stoney Sloth operator is also in the works. GameSpot has compiled everything coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone in Season 3.

Modern Warfare 3 is one of 2024’s best-selling games in the US so far after arriving in November. For more, check out GameSpot’s Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer and zombies review.

New Xbox All-Digital Console Launching This Year — Report

New images have emerged of what appears to be a brand-new Xbox Series X console model. The leaked pictures show a white Xbox Series X with a similar design to the current model, but no disc drive. The shade of white also appears to be the same as the one used on the Xbox Series S console–and the one-off model seen in a 2022 Logitech advert–and it has been claimed that this version has a few minor hardware upgrades.

According to Exputer, the console comes with an improved heatsink, could be priced at $50-$100 less than the current $499 Xbox Series X console, and may launch in June or July. Microsoft hasn’t commented on this leak, but The Verge corroborated these claims by saying that it has seen additional documents suggesting the photos are the real deal.

Last year, leaked legal documents also revealed the apparent existence of a new cylindrical Xbox console as part of a mid-gen refresh strategy. Codenamed “Brooklin” and featuring an all-digital design, the documents showed a targeted release date of November 2024 and a $499 launch price. Recently, Xbox president Sarah Bond revealed how Microsoft is working on the next-gen Xbox and said it will be “the largest technical leap” ever seen in a hardware generation.

Outside of hardware, Microsoft appears to be changing its approach to the gaming business by releasing more of its first-party games on other platforms. Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer also spoke about how the company is attempting to create more open ecosystems on its hardware and how he’d like to see other storefronts like the Epic Games Store on Xbox in the future.

Visions Of Mana Preview: Classic Feel And Vivid Visuals Underpin The Return Of The Action-RPG Series

Despite being whimsical and colorful adventures with flexible action-RPG combat to boot, the Mana series has largely existed through remakes instead of new entries for the past 15 years. This is what makes Visions of Mana–the first fully-realized entry in the modern sense in a long time–such a big deal for fans of Square Enix’s dormant franchise.

Visions of Mana makes the most of its newest outing with vast regions to explore, breathtaking vistas to take in, and an emphasis on magical elements woven into both its combat mechanics and exploration that create synergy between the two.

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Now Playing: Visions of Mana | Announce Trailer

Having had the chance to play a brief two-part demo for Visions of Mana, I was left eager to dig into its systems as that’s where the game’s real potential lies. I spent the first part of the demo exploring the open region of Fallow Steppe, which let me get my feet wet in basic battles against enemies sprinkled throughout. The three controllable characters–Val, Careena, and Morley–all had their own combat classes with their own assortment of magic spells, and I could switch between any of them on the fly. It felt like pretty simple action-RPG fare with light and heavy attack combos and a mix of magic, but after this warm-up, I got to play through the Mt. Gala dungeon, which is a more linear story-based scenario with greater combat challenges.

I also had access to more advanced combat classes at Mt. Gala, and once I got to mess around with Morley as a Nightblade–a swift ninja dual-wielding daggers–I started to really feel the flow of Visions of Mana’s combat. This came in handy when I faced off against Mantis Ant, the gargantuan beast lurking at the end of Mt. Gala. With a huge combat arena and a fast opponent with multiple targetable parts, being fast and closing the gap was my solution to taking it down. Instead of using a heavy attack, I would teleport next to my target and start serving up quick combos, almost like a Warp Strike in Final Fantasy XV.

While the Nightblade class was definitely more of my speed when it comes to my preference in action combat, Val and Careena had their share of effective abilities such as fireballs and wind gusts to tack on big damage from a distance. The best damage dealer is the Limit Break-style Class Strike, which you can activate after filling up the CS Gauge. Each character has their own based on their class and they all come with brief, beautifully animated cinematic cuts before wreaking havoc.

Taking a step back, what I’m intrigued by is how the class system works. Elemental Vessels can be equipped to any character and these determine their class. However, each character has their own unique set of classes when equipping the same Elemental Vessels. For example, when Val has the wind-based Sylphid Boomerang, he becomes a heavy sword-wielding Rune Knight but if Careena equips that same Elemental Vessel, she turns into a nimble Dancer. And I could only access the Nightblade class if I had the Luna Globe equipped to Morley, or the paladin-inspired Aegis set to Val. This all may sound like standard action-RPG stuff, but combined with the variation available in each class and the specific playstyles they offer through every party member, it seems there’s a lot worth digging into that can genuinely change the gameplay experience.

It’s worth noting, though, that Visions of Mana sometimes doesn’t feel as fluid as it should be. While it’s definitely a step up from the Trials of Mana remake from 2020, there’s a bit of a stickiness when it comes to how characters move and attack. This took some getting used to and the targeting system was often a point of frustration in the demo–while the game does feature a lock-on mechanic, the camera struggles to follow the target, and since the right stick changes the target you lock onto, you can’t really move the camera to get a better view of the combat arena. We’ve seen several action-RPGs get this right in the past, and the hope is Visions of Mana can improve this small but important aspect before launch.

There wasn’t much story content shown in the demo since it was more focused on combat and the use of Elemental Vessels. From what I can tell, the main protagonist Val seems like your typical headstrong lead, but Visions of Mana appears to be giving its other party members proper screen time as well. After the Mt. Gala portion of the demo, I got to see Careena take the spotlight alongside her adorable owl-cat hybrid name Ramcoh as they saved the wind sylphid Mantis Ant. With her background of being half-dragon and half-human, she’s dubbed the One-Winged Oracle and the wind Sylphid agrees to lend her his power. In talking with the game’s producer Masaru Oyamada, he mentioned that we can expect to explore the various cultures that fill Visions of Mana’s world along with a story about questioning things that are taken at face value.


As Oyamada told me, “One thing that we wanted to explore thematically was this idea that there might be certain things that people think of as a normal way of looking at the world. But that might not actually be the case. And so this feeling of sort of questioning what you feel is common sense is definitely an important theme to support the story.”

My broadest takeaway from playing roughly 30 minutes of Visions of Mana is that it’s going for a classic RPG feel. It’s not necessarily breaking the mold, but it’s a modern extension of Mana’s core elements wrapped in a bigger, more vibrant fantasy setting. While I’m interested in unraveling the possibilities with its class system, I’m hoping combat can be tightened up a bit more or evolve in a way that makes sense for the flow of its gameplay. However, it’s going to be the story, characters, and sense of adventure that will likely determine whether Visions of Mana can stand out among the sea of great RPGs we’ve seen in recent years.

Popular Call Of Duty Warzone Theory Debunked

An enduring fan theory about Call of Duty: Warzone is that the battle royale mode is populated in part by bots. However, Activision has now come out to say this is a bunch of baloney.

In a blog post, the company set the record straight. The only bots in Warzone are in the Bootcamp training mode, which goes live with the Season 3 launch in April. Activision said Bootcamp is Warzone’s only mode that has bots. If the company does decide to add bots to other Warzone modes, it’ll only be after informing fans of this.

“We’ll ensure the community is informed ahead of time,” Activision said.

Fans have long theorized that both Warzone and Modern Warfare III include AI bots in some instances, but this is the first time Activision is debunking that rumor for Warzone specifically. The belief amongst fans is that bots are infiltrating matches so players can easily pound them and have a better experience that encourages them to come back and play more.

Not every Warzone match begins with a full roster of players, and some fans have suggested it would be nice to see bots added to matches in these instances to round things out. Whether or not Warzone ever officially adds bots to the main modes remains to be seen.

Epic’s battle royale game Fortnite features bots in its standard modes, and has for years.

For more, check out GameSpot’s rundown of everything coming to Call of Duty in the Season 3 update, including a bunch of 4/20-themed content, a mode that turns fallen foes into mines, and the newest BlackCell DLC.

Call Of Duty Warzone Adding Mode With Bots To Help Players Learn The Ropes

Call of Duty: Warzone is a challenging battle royale game that requires skill and patience to be the last soldier or team standing. If you’re intrigued by the game but are maybe put off by diving directly into a game, Activision is releasing a new mode with bots to help you learn the ropes.

Call of Duty: Warzone Bootcamp, as it’s called, is a new training mode aimed at helping players get up to speed before dropping into a game with human enemies. Set on a randomized slice of the Urzikstan map and featuring up to 20 human players and 24 bots, Bootcamp is a quad-only mode that provides a “snapshot” of the real experience.

This isn’t Call of Duty’s first training mode, as Modern Warfare III features a “training course” mode that allows players to learn the basics of multiplayer before getting into the action.

The idea with that mode and Bootcamp is to help players build confidence before jumping into matches populated exclusively with human players. To that end, Activision pointed out in its blog post that Bootcamp is Warzone’s only mode that has bots. It’s been an enduring theory that Warzone is actually populated in part by bots, but Activision says this is not true, for now at least.

“If this changes in the future, we’ll ensure the community is informed ahead of time,” Activision said.

Activision also clarified that players won’t be able to use Bootcamp as a way to amass easy XP. Player, weapon, and battle pass XP progression is “limited” in Bootcamp, Activision said. Additionally, playing the training mode will not contribute to progress for daily and weekly challenges, calling card challenges, weapon challenges, or Champion’s Quest. Finally, Bootcamp does not include any of the public events or advanced contracts in the main mode.

The new Bootcamp mode arrives with the debut of Season 3 on April 3, and it’s the first new season since Warzone Mobile launched on March 21. As announced previously, player progress and all store bundles bought on one platform carry over to another, so you can grind on console, for example, and your progress and purchases will also be applied to mobile. However, COD Points do not move between platforms.

For more, check out GameSpot’s rundown of everything coming to Call of Duty in the Season 3 update, including a bunch of 4/20-themed content, a mode that turns fallen foes into mines, and the newest BlackCell DLC.

Next Borderlands Game In “Active Development”

As part of the wider announcement that Take-Two has acquired Gearbox from Embracer, Take-Two announced that Gearbox is now in “active development” on the next Borderlands title.

In February this year, Gearbox founder and CEO Randy Pitchford teased the company’s next game, saying it is the “greatest thing we’ve ever done.” Many believe it’s the rumored Borderlands 4. The latest entry in the main series was 2019’s Borderlands 3. In 2022, the spin-off Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands was released, and a sequel is reportedly in the works.

Whatever the next game is, the new Borderlands game is just one of many upcoming games from Gearbox. There are six “key interactive entertainment projects” in the works currently at Gearbox in various stages of development. These include five sequels, including the aforementioned Borderlands game and the next Homeworld title, along with “at least one” new IP.

In addition to these six games, Take-Two said it sees opportunities to “invest in new projects and to expand Gearbox’s proven franchises.”

Take-Two and Gearbox had worked together previously on every Borderlands game, and that relationship continued despite Gearbox being owned for a period of time by Embracer. However, Take-Two has now taken full ownership of Gearbox’s development teams and its franchises for the price of $460 million.

Gearbox founder and CEO Randy Pitchford said getting acquired by Take-Two will help Gearbox “ascend to our next level.”

In the future, Gearbox will become a 2K studio led by Pitchford and his management team. Gearbox has teams in Frisco, Texas; Montreal, Canada; and Quebec City, Canada.

Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Release Date Window, Gameplay, And Everything We Know So Far

It’s official, one of the big superhero games to look forward to is Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra, which has a tentative release date window of 2025. We’ve seen Captain America and Black Panther share the stage before in Marvel’s Avengers–as well as solo efforts in other games over the years–but this new adventure from Skydance New Media looks set to be a cinematic experience starring the comic book icons. Featuring an ensemble cast of characters, Marvel 1943 could also be the best-looking superhero game yet thanks to the incredible technology powering this titanic team-up.

The game looks impressive in action and is stacked with a talented roster of actors breathing life into the main characters. Set in 1943 Paris after the Axis forces of Nazi Germany invaded it, Marvel says the game will feature a new, original World War II story as players control four heroes through one of the darkest periods of history. Ahead of its eventual release, here’s everything we know about Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra so far.

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When Will Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Be Released?

The Black Panther is sticking to the rooftops to avoid fighting Nazi troops.

The Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra Announcement came during the GDC 2024 State of Unreal presentation on March 20. Next year’s schedule is slowly starting to fill up with other high-profile titles like Grand Theft Auto 6 and Pokemon Legends: Z-A, so it’ll be interesting to see if the final release date for the new Marvel game is in direct competition with other upcoming releases.

Watch The Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Trailer Here

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Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra | Official Cinematic Story Trailer

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The first look at Marvel 1943 was captured entirely inside of the Unreal Engine 5-powered game. While it’s worth noting that scripted events will always look better than raw gameplay, the game still looks amazing in action and makes use of the latest advances in Unreal Engine 5. Amy Hennig, who is leading the development on this Skydance New Media game, explained that Marvel 1943 is the game that has allowed her to create a cinematic and immersive experience combined with the player agency afforded by a video game.

“In the past, this has always felt like it was just beyond our grasp,” Hennig said. ” But I think we’re finally crossing that threshold. When we’re telling a character-driven story, it’s critical for us to faithfully capture every nuance of our actor’s stellar performances. So we’ve been incredibly grateful to partner with our friends on the MetaHuman team to tell our story.”

Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Platforms

Captain America and Black Panther have different agendas when they first meet.

Nothing has been confirmed yet, but presumably, Marvel 1943 will be a PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S game. The new footage shown at GDC used Unreal Engine 5.4, and while it might be possible to get the game running on old-gen systems, that would possibly require far too many technical compromises to be feasible.

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra Story, Setting, And Characters

This classic incarnation of Black Panther is voiced by Khary Payton.

Set during one of the most pivotal years of World War II, players will explore the Marvel 1943 map through streets, rooftops, and forests of Occupied Paris as one of four main characters. A young Steve Rogers, the US super-soldier known as Captain America; Azzurri, T’Challa’s grandfather and the Black Panther of that era; Gabriel Jones, an American soldier and member of the Howling Commandos; and Nanali, a Wakandan spy operating inside of Paris.

Exact story details are still slim, but so far, it looks like all four heroes will need to work together if they want to save Paris from its Nazi occupiers and the growing threat of Hydra, an insidious terrorist organization hellbent on world domination. That’s easier said than done, as Captain America and Black Panther don’t start on the best of terms. The trailer showed off one crucial scene of the two heroes opposing one another, despite their sharing a mutual goal to stop the Nazis and Hydra.

Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra Gameplay

This version of Cap isn’t heading into battle dressed in spandex.

So far, the footage shown for Marvel 1943 has been purely cinematic. The GDC trailer does have very brief moments of what appears to be gameplay, showing off a third-person perspective similar to other games like the Resident Evil 4 remake. While we’re still waiting to see how the game changes when playing as Gabriel Jones or Nanali, it looks like Captain America will be an expert at ricocheting his shield off of enemies and pummeling them with his boxing skills. Black Panther appears to have several covert options allowing him to sneak around and ambush enemies, as well as Wakandan technology to help him stand his ground.

Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Technology

Meet Nanali, a Wakandan spy who infiltrated Occupied Paris.

Inspired by Marvel’s comics, films, and television series, Skydance has been working with the latest tools in Unreal Engine 5.4. The facial animation tool MetaHuman Animator has been used to help create more authentic performances, while other Unreal Engine tools have allowed Skydance to create realistic environments for the game to be set in.

“To create a really immersive game experience, the characters and environments have to work together harmoniously,” Hennig said at GDC. “We can’t just drop believable characters into a less-convincing world. So we need to start with authentic and densely detailed environments as the setting to our story. Because part of our story is set in 1940s Occupied Paris, we needed the world to have a really believable and visceral level of detail and grit.”

Another interesting piece in the development puzzle is how Unreal Engine 5.4 has been used to create clothing that moves with a character and behaves just like the material would in real life. The last few years have seen studios make great strides in developing digital garments that don’t clip together or act like a second skin, and Marvel 1943’s wardrobe captures the personality of the characters dressed in those iconic outfits.

“An essential part of a Marvel hero is their look and it could be really distracting if the outfit doesn’t look as realistic and believable as the rest of the world,” Hennig said. “As you can see, Cap’s leather uniform fits just like you would expect in real life, with all the correct material properties and the complexity of creases forming as he moves.”

Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Voice Cast

Gabriel Jones has a long comic book history, first appearing in 1963.

There’s a pretty great cast attached to Marvel 1943, with Khary Payton easily being the biggest name in the cast. Payton’s voice can be heard in many films, TV series, and video games, and he’s best known for voicing various incarnations of Cyborg in DC Universe projects. In live-action, he put in a memorable turn as King Ezekial in AMC’s The Walking Dead TV series. Interestingly, Marvel 1943 also features Iron Man’s dad, Howard Stark, in the cast. A brilliant scientist and businessman in his own right, Stark was instrumental in aiding the Allied forces in World War 2 across multiple top-secret projects.

  • Drew Moerlein as Steve Rogers / Captain America
  • Khary Payton as Azzuri / Black Panther
  • Marque Richardson as Gabriel Jones
  • Megalyn Echikunwoke as Nanali
  • Joel Johnstone as Howard Stark

Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Soundtrack

Skydance has recruited award-winning composer Stephen Barton to produce an original score for Marvel 1943. Barton has worked extensively in film, television, and games, and has contributed to the soundtracks for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, MultiVersus, and the third season of Star Trek: Picard.