Palworld’s New Xbox Update Just Broke Multiplayer

Palworld recently added its first raid encounter, but unfortunately for Xbox users, the game’s latest update also crippled its multiplayer functionality.

In a post on X, the official Palworld account asked that players temporarily not load multiplayer data on Xbox while it investigates an issue with the new patch.

“In the Xbox version v0.2.0.6 that was released today, we have confirmed an issue where multiplayer save data is not being loaded correctly when multiplayer save data from an older version is loaded,” the post from developer Pocketpair states. “This issue is currently being investigated by the development team. In the meantime, we apologize but please do not try to load multiplayer data on Xbox.”

Another known issue affecting both the Xbox and the PC version of Palworld is eggs being unable to be placed in incubators. Pocketpair says that while it’s investigating a fix, dismantling and rebuilding incubators will remedy the issue in the meantime.

Patch added the game’s first raid, Bellanoir, which can be challenged on both normal and “extreme” difficulty. A number of new items were introduced, including the Ring of Mercy, new stat-boosting fruit, and Ability Glasses that allow users to see Pal stats when worn. Other changes include more lax building restrictions, the ability to alter character appearances after starting the game, and various balance changes.

Pocketpair is already teasing a “massive, content-packed update” slated to arrive in the summer, one that will add a new island to explore alongside new Pals, weapons, and buildings.

Though Palworld’s popularity has dipped following its record-breaking launch, it’s still among the top-played games on Steam. The game also launched day one on Xbox Game Pass for PC and console, further boosting its player numbers. Palworld’s “Pokemon with guns” aesthetic caught the eye of The Pokemon Company back in January, who stated it would be investigating Pocketpair’s monster-collecting survival game for “acts that infringe on intellectual property rights.”

Hellblade Actress Wants To Turn Pain Into Meaning

Melina Juergens, who plays Senua in Hellblade, has shared more about what starring in the game means to her as a person and what she hopes her performance can bring to people.

In an interview with Xbox, Juergens said, “I want to help people, I want to raise awareness around mental health and help them feel understood.” Juergens herself has gone through her own experiences, and she wants to turn the darkness into light.

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Now Playing: Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2’s Combat Looks Beautiful And Feels Badass | GameSpot Preview

“I have experience with these ailments–how can I turn that into something meaningful?” she said.

In Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, Senua has made peace with the final events of the original game. She has come to terms with the death of her lover Dillion. The sequel picks up there, and Senua is now “more in control of the visions and voices” she experiences. “She’s not overcoming psychosis, but she knows how to manage it better,” Juergens said.

Studio head Dom Matthews discussed this a little more, explaining how fans will find Senua when the sequel kicks off.

“She’s come to a place of acceptance of two things,” Matthews said. “One is her experience of psychosis and unique view of the world, and the other is that she can’t bring Dillion back. So here, we find a Senua that has found determination, and a way to turn her agonizing grief into positive action, so that Dillion’s death wasn’t for nothing.”

Hellbalde II releases May 21 for Xbox Series X|S and PC, and Game Pass subscribers can play it on day one.

Add To Your Graphic Novel Collection With These Stellar Deals At Amazon

For Amazon’s Buy Two, Get One Free promotion, dozens of adventures across DC, Marvel, and other comic book universes are on sale right now. From industry icons like Batman and Spider-Man to Sonic the Hedgehog and the X-Men, the majority of these graphic novels have received big discounts to make these B2G1 deals even more tempting.

If you’re a Caped Crusader fan, you can get some pretty good Batman classics and modern masterpieces right now. While it’s not B2G1-applicable, the Batman: One Bad Day collection is an excellent series of graphic novels examining some of the most dangerous members of the Dark Knight’s rogues gallery. The Riddler, Two-Face, Bane, and Mr. Freeze are just some of the supervillains in the spotlight, and each standalone story is brought to life by a talented roster of artists and writers. You’ll need to redeem the coupon on the Amazon page to get the discount, but it’s a massive price cut that nets you this eight-volume box set for only $60 (was $160).

For a few classic tales in the B2G1 free sale, you can’t go wrong with Batman: Year One or The Dark Knight Returns, and Batman: Earth One puts a very grounded spin on the vigilante. For Spider-Man fans, the ongoing adventures of the webhead and his alternate universe counterparts also makes for fine reading. You can see just how dynamic Spawn creator Todd McFarlane’s take on the character was with a classic compendium of stories, relive the infamously convoluted Clone Saga with a gigantic omnibus edition, or see what Miles Morales has been up to lately.

What if John Wick had millennia of experience, a death wish, and a healing factor that allowed him to bounce back from even the grisliest of injuries? You’d have BRZRKR, a Keanu Reeves-fronted series about an immortal warrior looking for answers and an end. It’s a pretty gnarly series, and you can pick up the first and third volumes right now.

Retro fans can dive into the popular collected editions of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and for some more blast-processing from the past, IDW’s Sonic the Hedgehog comics are actually terrific slices of Blue Blur adventures. You can see the full list below, and for something more focused on sci-fi action, you can also check out the Star Wars B2G1 sale now on at Amazon. Or if you’d prefer something different, several manga box sets are now on sale as well.

B2G1 Free Graphic Novels at Amazon

Comic Book Box Sets

Batman Graphic Novels

Spider-Man Graphic Novels

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Graphic Novels

A quick note here: he first volume of the TMNT Compendium isn’t included in the B2G1 promotion, but the 51% discount is nothing to sneeze at.

X-Men Graphic Novels

Fables Graphic Novels

Sonic the Hedgehog Graphic Novels

More graphic novels

CoD: Warzone And MW3 Patch Notes Detail Weapon And Perk Changes, Plus Vehicles Arrive To Rebirth Island

A new update arrived to both Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone on April 9. The patch notes include weapon tuning and perk changes for multiplayer, and on the Warzone side, vehicles are added to the Rebirth Island map.

Modern Warfare 3’s update includes buffs to the already popular SVA 545 assault rifle in multiplayer. This includes a 40% increase to the gun’s maximum damage range, a 17% increase to the near-medium damage range, and 18% more to the medium damage range.

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Now Playing: Modern Warfare III – Official Season 3 Multiplayer Launch Trailer

A change is also made to one of the attachments for Season 3’s new MORS sniper rifle. The sniper’s Photonic Charge Barrel attachment should now have improved consistency with penetration damage through enemy operators.

Two multiplayer perks are adjusted to have new benefits. The Ninja Vest perk will now give players the effects of the Running Sneakers perk, if they also have the Reinforced Boots perk equipped. The Compression Carrier perk is updated to immediately trigger health regeneration when the player gets kills with a launcher.

Spawns are also adjusted for the Shipment map. The developer says additional spawn points were added to improve the probability of a quality spawn in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint modes.

The Warzone side of the update is pretty small, but it does add ground vehicles to Warzone’s Rebirth Island map. It also includes a few bug fixes. This includes a fix for an issue that previously prevented tactical and lethal equipment from auto picking up. For Ranked Play: Resurgence, the update addresses an occurrence that previously prevented one-shot protection from functioning and another issue that caused too many UAV towers to spawn in the competitive mode.

A few global issues are also addressed across both games, which include an issue that previously caused the latency telemetry widget to constantly display N/A and a crash that could occur while a player was viewing weapon attachments.

The full patch notes for Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 can be found below, as shared by Activision.

In other Call of Duty news, an $80 King Kong glove is causing upset with high price and lack of unique features.



  • Addressed a crash that could occur while viewing Weapon Attachments.


  • Resolved various issues with Quick Equipping Weapon Charms in the Store.
  • Corrected the display names of the Season 3 Prestige Emblems.


  • Addressed an issue causing the Latency telemetry widget to constantly display N/A.



  • Bug Fixes
    • Armory Unlock Challenges will now display a splash upon completion.
    • Operators will no longer appear to have two Riot Shields equipped in the Lobby.
    • Removing certain Conversion Kits is now properly reflected in the Gunsmith.
    • Weekly Challenge countdown timer will no longer display an invalid time as the Midseason update approaches.
    • Corrected positioning of the FJX Horus in the Gunsmith.
    • Calling Card and Emblem rewards from Weapon Mastery completion are now displayed properly in the After-Action Report.
    • Removing a Weapon Sticker in the Gunsmith will no longer cause the placement indicators to disappear.
    • Revised Pros/Cons labels for multiple Attachments to better reflect their true properties.


  • Improved deprioritization of spawn locations while any Killstreak is active and nearby.


  • Ripper Light Stock for the FJX Horus will no longer appear locked and without unlock requirements.
  • Improved tracking of one-shot kills for the What’s Your Sign? Camo for the MORS.


  • Shipment
    • Added additional spawn points to improve the probabality of a quality spawn selection in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint Modes.
  • Tanked
    • Enemy nameplates are no longer visible through the walls of the Tunnel.


» Assault Rifles «

  • SVA 545
    • Increased maximum damage range from 31.8m to 44.5m (+40%).
    • Increased near-medium damage range from 44.5m to 51.8m (+17%).
    • Increased medium damage range from 51.8m to 61m (+18%).

» Submachine Guns «

  • FJX Horus
    • Optic Attachments with an integrated laser are no longer compatible with the ECS Requieter Suppressor Muzzle.

» Light Machine Guns «

  • TAQ Evolvere
    • Removed duplicate ZEHMN35 Compensated Flash Hider Muzzle Attachment.

» Sniper Rifles «

  • MORS
    • Hurricane 9 Variable Optic
      • Removed the ability to equip this incompatible Attachment.
    • Photonic Charge Barrel
      • Improved consistency of penetration damage through enemy Operators.


  • Ninja Vest (Vest)
    • While equipped with Reinforced Boots, players now gain the effects of Running Sneakers.
  • Compression Carrier (Vest)
    • Kills with a Launcher will now immediately trigger health regeneration.


  • EMD Grenade (Tactical)
    • Changed the tracker removal keybind to Interact on keyboard input devices.
    • Improved prioritization when multiple actions are available for the tracker removal keybind.
    • Tracker removal time is now aligned with the HUD progress bar.
  • Scatter Mine (Tactical)
    • Enemy stun effects are now correctly applied in Hardcode Modes.
  • C4 (Lethal)
    • Detonation can no longer occur until stuck to a surface for 500ms.

Note: This mechanic was expected for the Season 3 update but did not function as intended at the time of release.


  • Guardian-SC
    • Ledge Hanging after equipping the Guardian-SC will no longer cause the player to become unable to fire their Weapon.
  • Remote Turret
    • Attempting to deploy while swimming will no longer cause the player to become unable to fire their Weapon.




  • Vehicles
    • Ground vehicles have been enabled on Rebirth Island.





  • Optic Attachments with an integrated laser are no longer compatible with the ECS Requieter Suppressor Muzzle.




  • Removed duplicate ZEHMN35 Compensated Flash Hider Muzzle Attachment.




  • Hurricane 9 Variable Optic
    • Removed the ability to equip this incompatible Attachment.


  • Fixed an issue preventing tactical and lethal equipment from auto picking up.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from shooting their weapon while ledge hanging after picking up the Gaurdian-SC killstreak.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the red outline on the border of the minimap to display when under the effects of an enemy’s Advanced UAV.
  • Fixed an issue preventing one shot protection from functioning in Ranked Play: Resurgence.
  • Fixed an issue causing too many and UAV Towers to spawn in Ranked Play: Resurgence.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from equipping unlocked items in the Rank Overview within the Rank Rewards Menu.

Sonic Movie Producer Is Adapting One of 2023’s Best Indie Games

In 2023, Black Salt Games introduced players to Dredge, a fishing video game that doubles as a horror story. It’s the kind of combination that Hollywood just can’t resist. And now, Dredge is getting a live-action movie of its own.

For the film, Black Salt Games is teaming up with Story Kitchen, one of the production companies behind Netflix’s upcoming animated series Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, as well as the movie adaptation of It Takes Two. Story Kitchen co-founder Dmitri M. Johnson was also a co-producer of Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog movies. In the announcement, Story Kitchen describes Dredge as “The Sixth Sense on water,” and “a grounded atmospheric cosmic horror blend of HP Lovecraft and Ernest Hemingway.”

Within the game, players assume the role of a fisherman who controls a small boat. During the in-game daytime hours, Dredge plays like a regular fishing title. But if the fisherman stays out on the water when the sun goes down, then he discovers that sea monsters and ghost ships are just a few of the spooky things that exist in the ocean. The fisherman is also given a supernatural quest that offers two different endings based on the choices made by the players.

“We are excited to partner with such an experienced studio team to bring the world we created to live action and ignite the imagination of audiences across the globe.” said Black Salt Games in a statement.

Dredge doesn’t currently have a studio, a cast, or a creative team lined up.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape’s New Prismatic Subclass Fuses Light And Darkness For The First Time Ever

Destiny 2: The Final Shape will throw you into a fight where all of reality is at stake, but your Guardian is about to get a powerful new subclass in your war against the Witness. While previous Destiny 2 subclasses were either Light or Darkness-based, the new Prismatic skillset is a killer combo of those powers. As a result of the Witness unleashing the Darkness inside of the Traveler, you’ll be able to enter a new state called Transcendence after you deal enough Light and Dark damage to enemies.

You’ll be able to keep track of this by observing a new meter underneath your Super bar, and once both sides are full, you’ll gain a new level of power to wield. While Transcendent, you gain a new grenade born of both subclass energies. Hunters get a Solar and Stasis synthesis, Titans can use both Arc and Strand-energy abilities, and Warlocks can combine Stasis and Void-energy together. Additionally, grenade and melee energy are both instantly recharged when Transcendence is cast and there’ll be extra damage boosts to tinker with.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Final Shape | Official Gameplay Trailer

“We’re kind of thinking of Prismatic as this advanced subclass where you have more buildcrafting options, more potential combinations, more Fragments than you normally get, and more Fragment slots to socket them than you normally get,” gameplay feature lead Sam Dunn said during the Destiny 2: The Final Shape developer preview.

Warlocks can lock down the battlefield when they reach Trascendence.


Bungie showed off some of the possible combinations for Primsatic buildcrafters, teasing incredibly powerful crowd-control abilities alongside the unique debuff skills of each subclass. For example, Titan Guardians can paralyze an entire squad of enemies with the Jolt effect from their Arc subclass and follow up that assault with Strand blades, severing enemies from existence. Or alternatively, Warlocks can lock down an area with their Bleak Watcher turret and send out a horde of Strand Threadlings to hunt down enemies, use Arcane Needle to eliminate more enemies, and gain grenade energy back, creating a powerful combat loop in the process.

The new Prismatic subclass and Transcendence ability look like necessary upgrades for Guardians, as over several months, the Witness has brought in a new enemy faction called The Dread to terrorize players who follow it into the Traveler. These enemies are a combination of airborne harassment, acrobatic powerhouses, and Darkness-wielding wizards alongside the Tormentors who were introduced in Lightfall last year, and players will need to quickly master their new skills if they hope to stand a chance against them.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape will launch on June 4 for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One, but right now, a new period of story content leading into the expansion has kicked off. There’s a lot to look forward to over the next couple of weeks in Into the Light, including the return of reworked Exotic missions, a Raid Boss rush mode, and new PvP maps.

Destiny 2’s The Final Shape Introduces Flying Dread Enemies

Destiny 2’s The Final Shape, the upcoming expansion releasing on June 4, is introducing a new enemy faction called the Dread. If you thought the Tormentors in Lightfall were annoying, well, their siblings have definitely inherited that trait.

As showcased during the Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview, the Dread encompass the larger portion of The Witness’ own army, first teased with the Tormentors. While there may be more enemies in the expansion, the trailer focused on Grims and Husks, as well as the Weaver and the Attendant.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Final Shape – Teaser Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

The Grim, colloquially called “gunbat” by Bungie, is a flying imp with, well, a weapon. According to the development team, it’s the first enemy character with actual wings in Destiny. Alongside its signature gun, the Grim can let out a screech that suppresses your abilities and slows you down. Expect Grims to be in groups, and to be super annoying, too.

The Husk is a bruiser-type enemy with a blade in each hand. It won’t think twice to charge at you on sight with acrobatic movements. Be wary though, if you don’t hit the Husk’s weak spot with a final blow, a smaller enemy will come out from its chest and seek you down as a flying worm. Fun times.

Lastly, the Weaver and the Attendant are a Strand and Stasis scions, respectively, that have been affected by The Witness’ power. As you might have guessed, the enemies will pull you back and toward them, and can also freeze you in place. If there are more than one, you’re likely to spend some time being bounced back and forth like a pinball.

Call Of Duty’s New $80 King Kong Glove Is Causing Upset

Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone includes a crossover themed around Godzilla and King Kong, which includes free event cosmetics to earn and new shop bundles up for purchase. However, there’s some controversy around a bonus melee weapon for those who purchase all of the Monsterverse bundles.

The B.E.A.S.T. Glove is Kong’s weapon in the latest Monsterverse film. It allows him to unleash energy-powered punches, and this is an exclusive weapon unlock for those who purchase all four Godzilla x Kong bundles. These operator bundles cost 2,400 CoD Points ($20) each, so that’s a whopping $80 worth of points in total to get the glove.

Some players who dropped enough cash to unlock the glove have expressed their frustrations on social media, saying that $80 is disappointing for a weapon that doesn’t do anything unique or even allow them to apply weapon camos.

“I got the B.E.A.S.T. Glove so you don’t have to,” xGrimaulOnXboxx says in a heated Reddit thread. “The only plus sides are it counts as a Mastercraft Blueprint (unique inspect) and the joy of punching enemies. But it doesn’t do anything special. I thought it would at least ragdoll enemies, if not corpse launch them. And you can’t even equip camos over it.”

Despite the upset over Kong’s glove, this probably won’t be the last time we see high-end bundles for major fandoms. Call of Duty continues to churn out big IP crossovers, with previous operator bundles including characters from Dune, The Boys, Warhammer 40,000, and The Walking Dead. Even legendary stoners Cheech and Chong are coming to Call of Duty with their own operator bundles later in Season 3.

Disney Epic Mickey Rebrushed Is A Full-Circle Moment For The Game’s Original Narrative

14 years ago, Disney’s Epic Mickey was released exclusive to the Nintendo Wii, which is the only place it’s been playable since. It is, at the moment, shackled to the Wii–480p resolution, motion controls, and all. If you want to legally play the game today, you’d have to get your hands on a Wii (or a WiiU, for you select few), get a hard copy of the game, and pop it in. That would have remained the case, however, if it weren’t for its upcoming remake Epic Mickey Rebrushed which aims to bring the original game’s experience to modern consoles, with updated visuals and controls. And thank goodness, because otherwise, the game could have risked becoming a part of its own meta-commentary.

Epic Mickey follows Mickey Mouse on his discovery of a bizarro Disneyland, dour and gray in tone, where forgotten characters of Disney’s past like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (and many more) all live. Haphazardly, Mickey procures a magic brush that holds the power to erase the world with paint thinner, or bring it to life with painted color. With this responsibility, Mickey is not only burdened with the knowledge of a past completely forgotten, but the power to restore or even change it.

Disney Epic Mickey Rebrushed

At its core, the game is about what happens when the present is faced with having to amend its past. A past that hasn’t only been forgotten, but casted in a shadow so opaque, that it practically vanished altogether. Its narrative is a direct commentary on Mickey’s own success, which started all the way back in 1928, where he became the undisputed mascot of the Disney brand, despite many characters like Oswald having existed prior. In tackling this story, the original game, in turn, manifested its own narrative into reality, by repopularizing once forgotten Disney characters like Oswald, Horace Horsecollar, and Clarabelle Cow (just to name a few), and brought them back into the mainstream Disney ethos.

With the original version of the game nearly lost to sea of other games no longer commercially available today, Epic Mickey Rebrushed is yet another full circle moment for the game’s narrative, as this remake stops the game from being forgotten and abandoned on the Wii.

“This is a game about forgotten characters, and getting them back and allowing them to survive,” senior producer Pan Schröder told me. “For us, as the developer, it’s getting this game as a faithful remake in the hands of the players, and allowing it to live on too.”

From my hands-on time with Epic Mickey Rebrushed, it is very much a one-to-one remake of the original game, with all its assets faithfully recreated to match. However, just like Mickey armed with a brush to repair the past, developer Purple Lamp is trying to amend many of the game’s initial flaws in this new iteration. Oh, and of course, the motion controls.

“We had to change the controls, we had to enhance the camera, and we needed to translate motion controls to analog sticks, while needing to keep the heart of the game intact,” Schröder said.

Epic Mickey Rebrushed controlled well, and gave a much needed jolt in the arm for the rather bygone 3D platformers I miss. Playing on Nintendo Switch, controls were responsive, the world was as welcomingly dreary as I remembered in the original (albeit with a fresh coat of paint), and platforming while switching between paint and thinner to unlock new areas and solve puzzles performed with modern gaming expectations. Everything felt right in place with the original–so much so that I had nearly forgotten the game was originally only playable with motion controls (which is still a control option for those purests out there).

Disney Epic Mickey Rebrushed

In GameSpot’s original review, reviewer Tom Mc Shea criticized the game’s imprecise controls, camera movement, and its lack of direction, but applauded its use of the Disney license and unique story and world. In the short time I played its remake, it’s clear developer Purple Lamp isn’t changing the game’s appearance or story, only repainting its flaws where it matters most. Such as adding quality-of-life features like guides to assist players where to go when they’re lost, or a way to keep track of sidequests.

When done right, a video game remake can serve as a means to make sure older games tethered to the past are playable today, but preserve the original’s intent as well, flaws and all. So having motion controls as an option, while offering more modern controls, allows new players to experience the game as it was originally intended 14 years ago, without compromising its core heart and story.

In bringing this game back to modern consoles, it fulfills its own legacy to make sure the past is not forgotten, and from my hands-on time, it’s clear developer Purple Lamp is heading on the right path to reintroduce this cult Mickey game in its best light to modern audiences come fall of this year.

Star Wars Outlaws Will Launch August 30

Announced just last year, Star Wars Outlaws already has a release date: August 30. Ubisoft did say that the game would be coming out in late 2024, but it still feels wild to see. Perhaps Skull and Bones just made me jaded.

The release date was revealed in a new trailer, which teased additional story elements of the upcoming open-world action-adventure game. In the trailer, we see protagonist Kay Vess accidentally cross the head of a rising criminal syndicate in the Star Wars underworld, leading to her need to stay one step ahead of the law and outlaws alike to earn herself a better life.

A few familiar faces from the seedier side of Star Wars make their appearance in the trailer. Jabba is the notable standout, a prominent member of the Hutt clan and a recurring character in the original Star Wars trilogy and The Clone Wars animated TV series. But there are other fun nods too, like the Pykes and Crimson Dawn–both are major crime syndicates that operated under or were allied with Maul in the final year of The Clone Wars.

There’s not too much gameplay in the trailer but we do get a few cute moments of Vess and her adorable partner Nyx working in tandem to take down Imperial guards, as well as Vess parkouring across rooftops. Granted, that makes sense given we got a 10-minute look at what Outlaws gameplay looks like when it was first announced.

Star Wars Outlaws is set to release for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC.